Autonomous Surgical Tumor Resection

This project is maintained by BerkeleyAutomation

An Interchangeable Surgical Instrument System with Application to Supervised Automation of Multilateral Tumor Resection


Many surgical procedures require a sequence of different end-effectors but switching tools for robot-assisted minimally-invasive surgery (RMIS) requires time-consuming re- moval and replacement through the trocar port. We present an interchangeable instrument system that can be contained within the body cavity. It is based on a novel mounting mechanism compatible with a standard RMIS gripper and a tool-guide and sleeve to facilitate automated instrument switching. Exper- iments suggest that an Intuitive Surgical system using these interchangeable instruments can perform a multi-step tumor resection procedure that uses a novel haptic probe to localize the tumor, standard scalpel to expose the tumor, standard grippers to extract the subcutaneous tumor, and a novel fluid injection tool to seal the wound.



This is an ongoing project at UC Berkeley with contributions from:
Stephen McKinley, Animesh Garg, Siddarth Sen, David Gealy, Jonathan McKinley, Yiming Jen.
PI: Ken Goldberg

Support or Contact

Please Contact Animesh Garg at
