.. GQCNN documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Thu May 4 16:09:26 2017. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Berkeley AUTOLAB's GQCNN Package ================================ Overview -------- The `gqcnn` package is a Python API for training and deploying `Grasp Quality Convolutional Neural Networks (GQ-CNNs)`_ for grasp planning using training datasets from the `Dexterity Network (Dex-Net)`_, developed by the `Berkeley AUTOLAB`_ and introduced in the `Dex-Net 2.0 paper`_. .. note:: We're excited to announce **version 1.0**, which brings the GQ-CNN package up to date with recent research in `Dex-Net`_. Version 1.0 introduces support for: #. **Dex-Net 4.0:** Composite policies that decide whether to use a suction cup or parallel-jaw gripper. #. **Fully Convolutional GQ-CNNs:** Fully convolutional architectures that efficiently evaluate millions of grasps faster than prior GQ-CNNs. Links ----- * `Source Code`_ * `Datasets`_ * `Pretrained Models`_ * `Dex-Net Website`_ * `UC Berkeley AUTOLAB`_ .. _Source Code: https://github.com/BerkeleyAutomation/gqcnn .. _Datasets: http://bit.ly/2rIM7Jk .. _Pretrained Models: http://bit.ly/2tAFMko .. _Dex-Net Website: https://berkeleyautomation.github.io/dex-net .. _UC Berkeley AUTOLAB: http://autolab.berkeley.edu .. image:: images/gqcnn.png :width: 100 % Project Goals ------------- The goals of this project are to facilitate: #. **Replicability** of GQ-CNN training and deployment from: #. The latest `Dex-Net 4.0`_ results. #. Older results such as `Dex-Net 2.0`_, `Dex-Net 2.1`_ and `Dex-Net 3.0`_. #. Experimental results such as `FC-GQ-CNN`_. #. **Research extensions** on novel GQ-CNN architectures that have higher performance on `Dex-Net 4.0`_ training datasets. .. _Dex-Net 2.0: https://berkeleyautomation.github.io/dex-net/#dexnet_2 .. _Dex-Net 2.1: https://berkeleyautomation.github.io/dex-net/#dexnet_21 .. _Dex-Net 3.0: https://berkeleyautomation.github.io/dex-net/#dexnet_3 .. _Dex-Net 4.0: https://berkeleyautomation.github.io/dex-net/#dexnet_4 .. _FC-GQ-CNN: https://berkeleyautomation.github.io/fcgqcnn Our longer-term goal is to encourage development of robust GQ-CNNs that can be used to plan grasps on different hardware setups with different robots and cameras. Disclaimer ---------- GQ-CNN models are sensitive to the following parameters used during dataset generation: #. The robot gripper #. The depth camera #. The distance between the camera and workspace. As a result, we cannot guarantee performance of our pre-trained models on other physical setups. If you have a specific use-case in mind, please reach out to us. It might be possible to generate a custom dataset for you particular setup. We are actively researching how to generate more robust datasets that can generalize across robots, cameras, and viewpoints. Development ----------- The package is currently under active development. Please raise all bugs, feature requests, and other issues under the `Github Issues`_. For other questions or concerns, please contact Jeff Mahler (jmahler@berkeley.edu) or Vishal Satish (vsatish@berkeley.edu) with the subject line starting with "GQ-CNN Development". Academic Use ------------ If you use the code, datasets, or models in a publication, please cite the appropriate paper: #. **Dex-Net 2.0** `(bibtex) `__ #. **Dex-Net 2.1** `(bibtex) `__ #. **Dex-Net 3.0** `(bibtex) `__ #. **Dex-Net 4.0** `(bibtex) `__ #. **FC-GQ-CNN** `(bibtex) `__ .. _Grasp Quality Convolutional Neural Networks (GQ-CNNs): info/info.html .. _Dexterity Network (Dex-Net): https://berkeleyautomation.github.io/dex-net .. _Dex-Net: https://berkeleyautomation.github.io/dex-net .. _Berkeley AUTOLAB: http://autolab.berkeley.edu/ .. _Dex-Net 2.0 paper: https://github.com/BerkeleyAutomation/dex-net/raw/gh-pages/docs/dexnet_rss2017_final.pdf .. _Github Issues: https://github.com/BerkeleyAutomation/gqcnn/issues .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Background info/info.rst .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Installation Guide install/install.rst .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Getting Started tutorials/tutorial.rst .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Replication replication/replication.rst .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Benchmarks benchmarks/benchmarks.rst .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: API Documentation :glob: api/gqcnn.rst api/training.rst api/analysis.rst api/policies.rst .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: License license/license.rst Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`