pcari.views module

This module defines the application’s views, which are needed to render pages.

These views can be broadly categorized into two groups:
  • API endpoints that can dynamically send and receive data (typically as JSON). The client can use these endpoints to operate asynchronously.
  • HTML pages that show up to users. These pages are typically largely static and lend themselves to caching by service workers.



Fetch quantitative question ratings in the form of a numpy matrix.

Each row in the matrix represents the ratings of one respondent, and each column represents the ratings for one question.

Tuple of three items:
  • respondent_id_map (dict): A length-m map from respondent identifiers to matrix row indicies.
  • question_id_map (dict): A length-n map from quantitative question identifiers to matrix column indicies.
  • ratings_matrix (numpy.ndarray): An m by n NumPy array of ratings.

Only active respondents, active questions, and active ratings are used (see pcari.models.History.active).

Return type:tuple

Normalize a ratings matrix so the ellipsoid of ratings is centered at the origin, and missing values are imputed with zero. (That is, the mean of the column before centering.)

Parameters:ratings_matrix (numpy.ndarray) – An m by n matrix of ratings (as provided by generate_ratings_matrix()).
Returns:An m by n matrix of normalized ratings with no np.nan values.
Return type:numpy.ndarray
pcari.views.calculate_principal_components(normalized_ratings, num_components=2)

Calculate the principal components of a normalized ratings matrix.

  • normalized_ratings (numpy.ndarray) – An m by n normalized ratings matrix (as provided by normalize_ratings_matrix()).
  • num_components (int) – The number of principal components to select (p).

A p by n matrix whose rows are principal components.

Return type:


pcari.views.fetch_comments(request, *args, **kwargs)

Fetch a list of comments as JSON.

Parameters:request – May contain a limit GET parameter that specifies how many comments to get (by default: 300). Very high limits may decrease performance noticeably.
Returns:A JsonResponse containing an JSON object of the form:
    "<comment.id>": {
        "msg": "<comment.message>",
        "sem": <comment.score_sem>,
        "pos": <author question ratings projection>,
        "tag": "<comment.tag>",
        "qid": <comment.question_id>

The pos property is calculated by projecting the quantitative question ratings vector of the comment’s author onto the first two principal components of the question ratings dataset (from calculate_principal_components()). This property is a list containing two numbers: the first and second projections, respectively.

pcari.views.fetch_quantitative_questions(request, *args, **kwargs)

Fetch quantitative question data as JSON.

Parameters:request – This parameter is ignored.
Returns:A JsonResponse containing a JSON object of the form:
        "id": <question.id>,
        "prompts": {
            "<language-code>": "<translated question.prompt>",
        "left-anchors": {
            "<language-code>": "<translated question.left_anchor>",
        "right-anchors": {
            "<language-code>": "<translated question.right_anchor>",
        "min-score": <question.min_score>,
        "max-score": <question.max_score>,
        "input-type": <question.input_type>,
        "order": <question.order>,
        "show-statistics": <question.show-statistics>

Each language code is obtained from settings.LANGUAGES.

pcari.views.fetch_option_questions(request, *args, **kwargs)

Fetch option question data as JSON.

Parameters:request – This parameter is ignored.
Returns:A JsonResponse containing a JSON object with the following structure:
    "id": <question.id>,
    "prompts": {
        "<language-code>": "<translated question.prompt>",
    "options": {
        "<language-code>": ["<translated member of question.options>", ...],
    "input-type": "<question.input_type>",
    "order": <question.order>
pcari.views.fetch_qualitative_questions(request, *args, **kwargs)

Fetch qualitative question data as JSON.

Parameters:request – This parameter is ignored.
Returns:A JsonResponse containing a JSON object of the form:
    "<question.id>": {
        "<language-code>": "<translated question.prompt>",

Each language code is obtained from settings.LANGUAGES.

pcari.views.fetch_question_ratings(request, *args, **kwargs)

Fetch quantitative question ratings as JSON.

Parameters:request – This parameter is ignored.
Returns:A JsonResponse containing a JSON object of the form:
    "<rating.id>": {
        "qid": <question.id>,
        "score": <rating.score>
pcari.views.save_response(request, *args, **kwargs)

Write a single user’s responses as a JSON object to the database.

The request body should contain the string representation of a JSON object (that is, a Python dict) of the following form:

    "question-ratings": {
        "<question.id>": <score>,
    "question-choices": {
        "<question.id>": "<choice>",
    "comments": [
        "<question.id>": "<message>",
    "comment-ratings": [
        "<comment.id>": <score>,
    "respondent-data": {
        "uuid": "<uuid>",
        "age": <age>,
        "gender": "<gender>",
        "location": "<location>",
        "language": "<language-code>",
        "submitted-personal-data": <bool>,
        "completed-survey": <bool>

No validation is performed. Validation through full_clean should be performed during analysis.

Returns:A HttpResponse with a status code of 200 if the data were saved successfully, or a HttpResponseBadRequest with a status code of 400 otherwise. The general-purpose bad request response is returned when the data were successfully received, but contained syntactical or logical errors (for instance, providing the id of a nonexistent question, or malformed JSON). In that case, no new instances are written to the database, and the client should not send another request without modifications to the payload.
pcari.views.export_data(queryset, data_format=u'csv')

Create and write data to a response as a file for download.

  • data_format (str) – The file format the data should be exported as. Current options are: csv (default), xlsx.
  • queryset – The instances to export.

An HttpResponse with the requested data as an attached file, or an HttpResponseBadRequest with a status code of 400 with an invalid data_format.

pcari.views.landing(request, *args, **kwargs)

Render a landing page.

pcari.views.qualitative_questions(request, *args, **kwargs)

Render a page asking respondents for comments (i.e. suggestions).

pcari.views.peer_responses(request, *args, **kwargs)

Render a page showing respondents how others rated the quantitative questions.

pcari.views.handle_page_not_found(request, *args, **kwargs)

Render a page for HTTP 404 errors (page not found).

pcari.views.handle_internal_server_error(request, *args, **kwargs)

Render a page for HTTP 500 errors (internal server error).