
This package comes with a 3D viewer which allows one to navigate around a scene using a camera controlled by a virtual trackball.


class meshrender.SceneViewer(scene, size=(640, 480), **flags)

Bases: pyglet.window.Window

An interactive viewer for a 3D scene.

This doesn’t use the scene’s camera - instead, it uses one based on a trackball.

The basic commands for moving about the scene are given as follows:

  • To rotate the camera about the center of the scene, hold the left mouse button and drag the cursor.

  • To rotate the camera about its viewing axis, hold CTRL and then hold the left mouse button and drag the cursor.

  • To pan the camera, do one of the following:

    • Hold SHIFT, then hold the left mouse button and drag the cursor.
    • Hold the middle mouse button and drag the cursor.
  • To zoom the camera in or our, do one of the following:

    • Scroll the mouse wheel.
    • Hold the right mouse button and drag the cursor.

Other keyboard commands are as follows:

  • z – resets the view to the original view.
  • w – toggles wireframe mode for each mesh in the scene.
  • l – toggles between raymond lighting and the scene’s default lights.
  • a – toggles rotational animation.
  • n – toggles ‘bad normals’ mode.
  • q – quits the viewer
  • s – saves the current image
  • r – starts a recording session, pressing again stops (saves animation as .gif)
__init__(scene, size=(640, 480), **flags)

Initialize a scene viewer and open the viewer window.

  • scene (Scene) – A scene to view. The scene’s camera is not used.
  • size ((int, int)) – The width and height of the target window in pixels.
  • flags (other kwargs) – Other optional keyword arguments.


The possible set of flags are given in the Other Parameters section.

Other Parameters:
  • line_width (float) – Sets the line width for wireframe meshes (default is 1).
  • flip_wireframe (bool) – If True, inverts the ‘wireframe’ material property for all meshes.
  • raymond_lighting (bool) – If True, the scene’s point and directional lights are discarded in favor of a set of three directional lights that move with the camera.
  • front_and_back (bool) – If True, the shader will treat all normals as facing the camera.
  • animate (bool) – If True, the camera will rotate by default about the scene.
  • animate_az (float) – The number of radians to rotate per timestep.
  • animate_rate (float) – The framerate for animation in fps.
  • animate_axis ((3,) float or None) – If present, the animation will rotate about the given axis in world coordinates. Otherwise, the animation will rotate in azimuth.

Exit the event loop when the window is closed.


Redraw the scene into the viewing window.

on_resize(width, height)

Resize the camera and trackball when the window is resized.

on_mouse_press(x, y, buttons, modifiers)

Record an initial mouse press.

on_mouse_drag(x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers)

Record a mouse drag.

on_mouse_release(x, y, button, modifiers)

Record a mouse release.

on_mouse_scroll(x, y, dx, dy)

Record a mouse scroll.

on_key_press(symbol, modifiers)

Record a key press.

static record(dt, self)

Save another frame for the GIF.

static animate(dt, self)

Animate the scene by rotating the camera.