Convolutional Neural Networks

Classes for deploying ConvNets.


class perception.AlexNet(config, model_dir=None, use_default_weights=False, dynamic_load=True)

Bases: object

Wrapper for tensorflow AlexNet. Note: training not yet supported.

Parameters:config (autolab_core.YamlConfig) – specifies the parameters of the network


Required configuration paramters are specified in Other Parameters

Other Parameters:
  • batch_size (int) – size of batches, less than largest possible prediction to save memory
  • im_height (int) – height of input images
  • im_width (int) – width of input images
  • channels (int) – number of channels of input image (should be 3)
  • output_layer (str) – name of output layer for classification
  • feature_layer (:obj`str`) – name of layer to use for feature extraction (e.g. conv5)

Open tensorflow session. Exposed for memory management.


Close tensorflow session. Exposes for memory management.

predict(image_arr, featurize=False)

Predict a set of images in batches.

  • image_arr (NxHxWxC numpy.ndarray) – input set of images in a num_images x image height x image width x image channels array (must match parameters of network)
  • featurize (bool) – whether or not to use the featurization layer or classification output layer

num_images x feature_dim containing the output values for each input image

Return type:



Featurize a set of images in batches.

Parameters:image_arr (NxHxWxC numpy.ndarray) – input set of images in a num_images x image height x image width x image channels array (must match parameters of network)
Returns:num_images x feature_dim containing the output values for each input image
Return type:numpy.ndarray

Build a set of convnet weights for AlexNet

build_alexnet(weights, output_layer=None)

Connects graph of alexnet from weights