
class mirage.infra.ros_proxy_inpainter_client.ROSProxyInpainterClient(ip: str = 'localhost', port: int = 31025)#

Bases: XEmbodyPublisher

Proxy process that sends to another process which performs the ROS communication

__init__(ip: str = 'localhost', port: int = 31025) None#

Initializes the publisher code.


__init__([ip, port])

Initializes the publisher code.


Gets the inpainted image.


Publishes the RGB image, segmentation mask, and joint angles to the ROS2 node.

get_inpainted_image(blocking: bool) array#

Gets the inpainted image. :param blocking: Whether to block until the inpainted image is received. :return: The inpainted image.

publish_to_ros_node(data: Any) None#

Publishes the RGB image, segmentation mask, and joint angles to the ROS2 node. :param data: The data to be published in dictionary form.